is an ongoing manga series written and illustrated by Seimu Yoshizaki. It follows the happenings which revolve around a small used manga store, specializing in old and obscure manga. The series is loaded with several references to classic manga, such as ''Dr. Slump'' and ''Moretsu Ataro'', as well as foreign comics like Jean Giraud's ''Blueberry''. The series is serialized in Shogakukan monthly ''seinen'' ''Ikki'' magazine and as of February 2013 serial chapters are collected in fourteen ''tankōbon''. The series is licensed in North America by Viz Media under the their Viz Signature Ikki label. ==Plot== The plot is focused around a used manga store, and has a series of vignette-style chapters revolving around different characters. It extols the value of reading manga in one's life, and is notable for having references to several well-known, as well as obscure manga, from the smash-hit ''Dr. Slump'', to the nary heard-of ''Billy Puck''. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Kingyo Used Books」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク